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Celebrating Pegsies: From Coast to Coast and Beyond!

Celebrating Pegsies: From Coast to Coast and Beyond!

Hello Pegsies enthusiasts! We’re excited to share a big milestone: Pegsies now has customers in all 50 US states and seven countries! From New York to Alaska, Pegsies bring fun and innovation wherever they go, uniting our community in imaginative play.

But that’s not all! Pegsies are gaining global appeal, with orders coming in from places like Australia and Canada. Their charm transcends cultural boundaries, spreading joy worldwide.

To celebrate, our Expert Imaginers created a fun stop-motion video showing Pegsies’ journey on a map. It’s a colorful representation of our global impact.

We’re grateful to our Pegsies community for their support, whether you’ve been with us from the start or just joined the fun. Your enthusiasm keeps us going.

Every Pegsies order is also a chance for our Expert Imaginers to learn about new places. It’s an educational adventure that adds to the fun.

Looking ahead, we’re excited for what’s next. With new designs and innovations in the works, the Pegsies journey continues to inspire creativity worldwide.

In a world craving connection, Pegsies bring joy and positivity wherever they go. Here’s to celebrating our achievements and embracing the adventures ahead. Cheers to Pegsies and our amazing community!

Products Mentioned

Animal peg dolls that are unfinished and laser engraved to look like a cat, dog, hippo, penguin, and pig.
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Take Pegsies out to the Ballgame! Create personalized memorabilia today

Front and back of wooden peg doll laser engraved to look like a baseball player character on a background of a baseball.

Watching your child play baseball can send you down memory lane, towards endless summer days spent on the diamond, the crack of the bat and the smell of the dugout, the pure joy and freedom that comes from playing and being with friends in spirited competition.

As the first month of Major League Baseball wraps up, Spring Sports are in full swing and the air is filled with excitement! Kids all around the country are taking up baseball, softball, soccer, and many other outdoor activities. As parents and grandparents, we love to see our little athletes play their best on the field, giving it their all and having fun with their friends.

Wooden peg doll baseball player sitting in a baseball dugout on the bench looking out towards the dirt field.

Grandparents sitting in the bleachers, watching their grandchildren play tee ball. Parents cheering them on as they hit the ball, run to first base, and slide into home plate with huge grins on their face. Moments of pure joy and accomplishment that everyone will always cherish.

With this spirit of family, team spirit, and personal pride, We are excited to share with you the personalized Sports Peg Dolls by Pegsies. These little wooden toys can bring a smile to any child’s face, especially when it represents a sport they are passionate about. And with summer sports in near full swing, it’s the perfect time to surprise them with a gift that truly reflects their interests.

Wooden peg doll baseball player laser engraved with custom number and name on jersey.
Wooden peg doll laser engraved to look like a baseball player. Has custom name and number on the jersey.

One of the standout products offered by Pegsies is the Baseball Player Peg Doll. These little wooden characters can be personalized with a custom name and number, making it a unique and special gift for any baseball-loving child. Whether your little one is just starting tee ball or is an experienced player, they will love having their very own baseball player peg doll to display on their dresser or play with on the go.

But what makes wooden toys like Pegsies Sports Peg Dolls so special? Well, not only are they fun and engaging for children, but they also offer many benefits that other types of toys do not. Wooden toys are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and durable, making them a safe and sustainable option for kids to play with. Plus, wooden toys can help improve fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity, all while encouraging imaginative play.

As we look back on the baseball games and sports played in the past month, let’s not forget the joy and excitement that sports bring to our children’s lives. Consider surprising your little athlete with a personalized Baseball Player Peg Doll from Pegsies or any other sports peg doll that they would enjoy. It’s a gift that they will treasure for years to come.

Products Mentioned

Laser engraved wooden peg dolls that are personalized with name and number on the jersey of a soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, and football player.
Laser etched peg dolls decorated to look like athletes that play baseball, softball, swim, soccer, golf, basketball, cheer, and football.
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Celebrate Earth Day with Pegsies! Embrace Eco-Consciousness in Wooden Toys

Celebrate Earth Day with Pegsies! Embrace eco-consciousness in wooden toys. Football player and Penguin peg dolls.

As we approach Earth Day 2023, we at Pegsies are proud to celebrate our commitment to eco-consciousness in our wooden toys. Since our founding in 2020, our mission has been to provide fun and enriching products for families in a sustainable way. We understand the overwhelming amount of waste and plastic involved in children’s toys, and we are dedicated to providing a responsible alternative.

At Pegsies, we work hard to produce quality, unique, wholesome, and safe products right here in the USA. We take great care to minimize our environmental impact by working with eco-conscious suppliers and partners. This means that the materials and processes we use in the production of our wooden peg dolls are as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible.

One of the ways we are giving back to the environment is by supporting the Arbor Day Foundation’s #TeamTrees campaign. We donate a portion of our profits to this initiative, which is a global effort to plant trees and combat deforestation. Since our beginnings in 2020, we have donated 93 trees to this cause.

Arbor Day Foundation Team Trees logo
Join us on Pegsies’ #teamtrees

We believe that wooden toys and crafts provide a more natural and nurturing experience for kids compared to plastic toys. Our wooden peg dolls offer a tactile and sensory experience that encourages creativity, imagination, and exploration. In addition, wooden toys are often more durable than plastic toys and can last for years, providing children with a long-lasting and sustainable source of enjoyment.

As we celebrate Earth Day 2023, we want to encourage families to consider the impact their purchasing decisions have on the environment. By choosing eco-conscious products like Pegsies’ wooden peg dolls, you can make a positive impact on the planet and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

We are proud to be a responsible and eco-conscious business. We believe that every little bit counts when it comes to protecting our planet, and we are dedicated to doing our part. So this Earth Day, let’s celebrate the environment by making sustainable choices, embracing eco-consciousness, and enjoying the natural beauty of wooden toys.

Products Mentioned

Laser engraved wooden peg dolls that are personalized with name and number on the jersey of a soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, and football player.
Laser etched peg dolls decorated to look like athletes that play baseball, softball, swim, soccer, golf, basketball, cheer, and football.
Animal peg dolls that are unfinished and laser engraved to look like a cat, dog, hippo, penguin, and pig.
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Houston, this is Pegsies! Blasting off to Honor Human Space Flight

peg doll astronauts with wooden cutout spaceship on a background of shooting stars to honor international day of human space flight

Today, April 12th 2023, the world celebrates the International Day for Human Space Flight, an annual event that commemorates the first human space flight by Yuri Gagarin in 1961. This day not only recognizes the historic achievement of space exploration but also highlights the importance of space science and technology in advancing human knowledge and improving our quality of life.

One way to inspire children’s interest in space and science is through imaginative play, and Pegsies Astronaut and Spaceship Peg Doll Set is a great tool for that. Pegsies are wooden peg dolls that are laser engraved with different characters, and this set includes three peg dolls: a boy astronaut, a girl astronaut, and an astronaut with stars on its visor, as well as a spaceship with a window that one of the peg dolls can look out of while on display.

While playing with Pegsies, children can create their own stories and scenarios, using their imagination and creativity to explore the depths of space. The set can also be colored with paints, markers, pencils, crayons, or any coloring tool, which further enhances children’s creativity and fine motor skills.

Peg doll astronaut and spaceship. 5 Reasons Peg Dolls are great for Mental Health. 1) Stress Relief 2) Improving Fine Motor Skills 3) Promoting Imagination and Creativity 4) Building Social Connections 5) Encouraging Emotional Regulation

Moreover, imaginative play has been shown to have long-lasting benefits for children’s development, as it fosters creativity and problem-solving skills, enhances social and emotional development, and improves language and cognitive development. It can also spark children’s interest in different fields and careers, including space exploration, art, engineering, or education.

For example, playing with Pegsies Astronaut and Spaceship Peg Doll Set can inspire children’s aspirations to become astronauts, engineers, or scientists, by exposing them to the wonders of space and the possibility of exploring it one day. Alternatively, it can also inspire children’s creativity and artistic abilities, by encouraging them to design their own unique peg dolls and spaceships.

Wooden space ship and peg dolls being played with by a child.

As we honor the International Day for Human Space Flight, let’s also celebrate the power of imaginative play in inspiring children’s aspirations and fueling their creativity. Pegsies Astronaut and Spaceship Peg Doll Set is a fun and educational toy that can engage children’s minds and imaginations while fostering their development and encouraging their dreams. So, let’s blast off into space with Pegsies and explore the unknown depths of the universe!

Products Mentioned

Baltic birch peg dolls that are laser etched to look like astronauts. Baltic birch spaceship with platform to let peg doll astronaut see through window.
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Free Easter Lesson Plan: From The Last Supper Through The Resurrection With Pegsies Peg Dolls

Easter Sunday School Lesson Plan, from the last supper through the resurrection. With polaroid photographs of Pegsies peg dolls.

Objective: To help students understand the significance of the Last Supper and the events leading up to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, using the Pegsies Easter Peg Doll Set and the Pegsies Last Supper Peg Doll Set as visual aids.

Recommended Age: Kids Elementary through Middle School


Lesson Outline:

Introduction (5 minutes)

Unfinished baltic birch peg dolls that go to the Easter peg doll set. Characters include, Angel, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Guard with sword, Guard with pike, Salome, Mary mother of James, Peter, James, and John.
Characters in the Pegsies Easter Peg Doll Set
Unfinished baltic birch peg dolls from Last Supper set. Includes Jesus and apostles: Andrew, Bartholomew, James the less, James, John, Judas, Matthew, Peter, Philip, Simon, Thaddeus, Thomas.
Characters in the Pegsies Last Supper Peg Doll Set
  1. Welcome the students and introduce the Pegsies Easter Peg Doll Set and Pegsies Last Supper Peg Doll Set.
  2. Explain that we will be using these sets to help us understand the significance of the Last Supper and the events leading up to the Resurrection.

The Last Supper (15 minutes)

  1. Read John 13:1-17, where Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.
  2. Use the Pegsies Last Supper Peg Doll Set to illustrate the different characters and events of the story.
  3. Ask the students questions about the story and encourage them to share their thoughts and reflections.


John 13:1-7 (ICB)

John 13 It was almost time for the Jewish Passover Feast. Jesus knew that it was time for him to leave this world and go back to the Father. He had always loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them all the way to the end.

Jesus and his followers were at the evening meal. The devil had already persuaded Judas Iscariot to turn against Jesus. (Judas was the son of Simon.) Jesus knew that the Father had given him power over everything. He also knew that he had come from God and was going back to God. So during the meal Jesus stood up and took off his outer clothing. Taking a towel, he wrapped it around his waist. Then he poured water into a bowl and began to wash the followersโ€™ feet. He dried them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

Jesus came to Simon Peter. But Peter said to Jesus, โ€œLord, are you going to wash my feet?โ€

Jesus answered, โ€œYou donโ€™t understand what I am doing now. But you will understand later.โ€


  1. Why do you think Jesus chose to wash the disciples’ feet? What do you think he was trying to teach them?
  2. Why did Peter object to Jesus washing his feet? How do you think Peter felt when Jesus explained why he was doing it?
  3. How can we follow Jesus’ example of serving others in our own lives? Can you think of any examples of times when you have served someone else?

Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest (15 minutes)

  1. Read John 18:1-11, where Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested.
  2. Use the Pegsies Easter Peg Doll Set to illustrate the different characters and events of the story.
  3. Ask the students questions about the story and encourage them to share their thoughts and reflections.


John 18:1-11 (ICB)

John 18 When Jesus finished praying, he left with his followers. They went across the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden of olive trees. Jesus and his followers went there.

Judas knew where this place was, because Jesus met there often with his followers. Judas was the one who turned against Jesus. So Judas led a group of soldiers to the garden. Judas also brought some guards from the leading priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns, and weapons.

Jesus knew everything that would happen to him. Jesus went out and asked, โ€œWho is it you are looking for?โ€

The men answered, โ€œJesus from Nazareth.โ€

Jesus said, โ€œI am Jesus.โ€ (Judas, the one who turned against Jesus, was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, โ€œI am Jesus,โ€ the men moved back and fell to the ground.

Jesus asked them again, โ€œWho is it you are looking for?โ€

They said, โ€œJesus of Nazareth.โ€

Jesus said, โ€œI told you that I am he. So if you are looking for me, then let these other men go.โ€ This happened so that the words Jesus said before might come true: โ€œI have not lost any of the men you gave me.โ€

10 Simon Peter had a sword. He took out the sword and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. (The servantโ€™s name was Malchus.) 11 Jesus said to Peter, โ€œPut your sword back. Shall I not drink of the cup[a] the Father has given me?โ€


  1. Why did Judas lead a group of soldiers to arrest Jesus? What was their goal?
  2. Why did Peter try to defend Jesus with a sword? What do you think he was feeling in that moment?
  3. Why do you think Jesus told Peter to put away his sword and allow himself to be arrested? What does this tell us about Jesus’ character?

The Crucifixion (15 minutes)

  1. Read John 19:16-30, where Jesus is crucified.
  2. Use the Pegsies Easter Peg Doll Set to illustrate the different characters and events of the story.
  3. Ask the students questions about the story and encourage them to share their thoughts and reflections.


John 19:16-30 (ICB)

John 19 16 So Pilate gave Jesus to them to be killed on a cross.

The soldiers took charge of Jesus. 17 Carrying his own cross, Jesus went out to a place called The Place of the Skull. (In the Jewish language[b] this place is called Golgotha.) 18 There they nailed Jesus to the cross. They also put two other men on crosses, one on each side of Jesus with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate wrote a sign and put it on the cross. It read: โ€œJESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.โ€ 20 The sign was written in the Jewish language, in Latin, and in Greek. Many of the Jews read the sign, because this place where Jesus was killed was near the city. 21 The leading Jewish priests said to Pilate, โ€œDonโ€™t write, โ€˜The King of the Jews.โ€™ But write, โ€˜This man said, I am the King of the Jews.โ€™โ€

22 Pilate answered, โ€œWhat I have written, I have written!โ€

23 After the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross, they took his clothes. They divided them into four parts. Each soldier got one part. They also took his long shirt. It was all one piece of cloth, woven from top to bottom. 24 So the soldiers said to each other, โ€œWe should not tear this into parts. We should throw lots to see who will get it.โ€ This happened to give full meaning to the Scripture:

โ€œThey divided my clothes among them.
    And they threw lots for my clothing.โ€

So the soldiers did this.

25 Jesusโ€™ mother stood near his cross. His motherโ€™s sister was also standing there, with Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 Jesus saw his mother. He also saw the follower he loved standing there. He said to his mother, โ€œDear woman, here is your son.โ€ 27 Then he said to the follower, โ€œHere is your mother.โ€ From that time on, this follower took her to live in his home.

28 After this, Jesus knew that everything had been done. To make the Scripture come true, he said, โ€œI am thirsty.โ€ 29 There was a jar full of vinegar there, so the soldiers soaked a sponge in it. Then they put the sponge on a branch of a hyssop plant and lifted it to Jesusโ€™ mouth. 30 Jesus tasted the vinegar. Then he said, โ€œIt is finished.โ€ He bowed his head and died.


  1. Why was Jesus crucified? Who was responsible for his death?
  2. Why did Jesus say, “It is finished” before he died? What did he mean by this?
  3. How do you think the disciples felt when they saw Jesus die on the cross? What do you think they did next?

The Resurrection (15 minutes)

  1. Read John 20:1-20, where Jesus rises from the dead.
  2. Use the Pegsies Easter Peg Doll Set to illustrate the different characters and events of the story.
  3. Ask the students questions about the story and encourage them to share their thoughts and reflections.


John 20:1-20

John 20 Early on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. It was still dark. Mary saw that the large stone had been moved away from the tomb. So Mary ran to Simon Peter and the other follower (the one Jesus loved). Mary said, โ€œThey have taken the Lord out of the tomb. We donโ€™t know where they have put him.โ€

So Peter and the other follower started for the tomb. They were both running, but the other follower ran faster than Peter. So the other follower reached the tomb first. He bent down and looked in. He saw the strips of linen cloth lying there, but he did not go in. Then following him came Simon Peter. He went into the tomb and saw the strips of linen lying there. He also saw the cloth that had been around Jesusโ€™ head. The cloth was folded up and laid in a different place from the strips of linen. Then the other follower, who had reached the tomb first, also went in. He saw and believed. (These followers did not yet understand from the Scriptures that Jesus must rise from death.)

10 Then the followers went back home. 11 But Mary stood outside the tomb, crying. While she was still crying, she bent down and looked inside the tomb. 12 She saw two angels dressed in white. They were sitting where Jesusโ€™ body had been, one at the head and one at the feet.

13 They asked her, โ€œWoman, why are you crying?โ€

She answered, โ€œThey have taken away my Lord. I donโ€™t know where they have put him.โ€ 14 When Mary said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there. But she did not know that it was Jesus.

15 Jesus asked her, โ€œWoman, why are you crying? Whom are you looking for?โ€

Mary thought he was the gardener. So she said to him, โ€œDid you take him away, sir? Tell me where you put him, and I will get him.โ€

16 Jesus said to her, โ€œMary.โ€

Mary turned toward Jesus and said in the Jewish language, โ€œRabboni.โ€ (This means Teacher.)

17 Jesus said to her, โ€œDonโ€™t hold me. I have not yet gone up to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them this: โ€˜I am going back to my Father and your Father. I am going back to my God and your God.โ€™โ€

18 Mary Magdalene went and said to the followers, โ€œI saw the Lord!โ€ And she told them what Jesus had said to her.

19 It was the first day of the week. That evening Jesusโ€™ followers were together. The doors were locked, because they were afraid of the Jews. Then Jesus came and stood among them. He said, โ€œPeace be with you!โ€ 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. His followers were very happy when they saw the Lord.


  1. Why did Mary Magdalene go to the tomb early in the morning? What did she find when she got there?
  2. Why did Peter and John run to the tomb after Mary Magdalene told them what she had seen? What did they find when they got there?
  3. Why do you think Jesus appeared to his disciples after he rose from the dead? What message do you think he wanted to share with them?

Conclusion and Activity (10 minutes)

  1. Close the lesson in prayer thanking God for sending his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to forgive our sins and then rise from the dead.
  2. Provide coloring pages for students to color each of the characters in the Pegsies sets.
  3. Encourage them to think about the characters and events of the Last Supper and the events leading up to the Resurrection as they color.
  4. Encourage students to take their coloring pages home and share them with their families to facilitate discussion.
Coloring page of peg doll characters that are in the Bible's Last Supper Easter story. The 12 disciples/apostles and Jesus are the shown characters: Andrew, Bartholomew, James the less, James, John, Judas, Matthew, Peter, Philip, Simon, Thaddeus, Thomas.
Coloring page of peg doll characters that are a part of the Bible Easter story. Characters include: Angel, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Guard with sword, Guard with pike, Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary mother of James


  • This lesson plan can be adapted for different age groups by adjusting the level of detail in the Bible readings and the questions asked.
  • Additional activities or discussions can be included to further engage students with the Last Supper and the events leading up to the Resurrection.

Products Mentioned

Last Supper peg doll set of Jesus and the 12 disciples. Includes peg dolls and baltic birch table with printable table cloth. Apostles include: Andrew, Bartholomew, James the less, James, John, Judas, Matthew, Peter, Philip, Simon, Thaddeus, Thomas.
Easter peg doll set that includes 10 peg dolls that look like Salome, Mary mother of James, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Guard with sword, Guard with pike, Angel, Peter, James, and John. Also includes a cross with stand for Jesus and a Tomb with a rock.
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Look no further! Personalized peg dolls — the perfect gift!

Look no further! Personalized peg dolls, the perfect gift. Shows front and back of laser engraved wooden peg doll football player and softball player.

Have you ever found yourself staring blankly at the gift aisle of a store, wondering what on earth you should get for your loved oneโ€™s birthday? Socks? Too boring. A gift card? Too impersonal. A pet rock? No thanks. Well, fear not my friend, because Pegsies the perfect solution for you – personalized peg dolls!

Yes, you read that right. Those little wooden dolls that kids play with can actually make a fantastic gift for adults, especially when you put some effort into customizing them. And lucky for you, Pegsies offers a whole range of unfinished peg dolls that you can color to fit any occasion or personality.

Laser engraved wooden peg dolls that are personalized with name and number on the jersey of a soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, and football player.

For example, do you have a friend whoโ€™s a huge sports fan? Why not get them a personalized sports peg doll with their favorite teamโ€™s colors and their name and number laser engraved on the jersey? Or maybe you have a family member whoโ€™s a bit quirky and loves all things sci-fi – you can color an astronaut and spaceship with a crazy fun color scheme.

Baltic birch peg dolls that are laser etched to look like astronauts. Baltic birch spaceship with platform to let peg doll astronaut see through window.

But the best part about personalized peg dolls is the time and effort you put into creating them. You can spend as much time as you need coming up with the perfect color scheme, and then meticulously paint each tiny detail with the utmost care. And letโ€™s be honest, what better way to show your love and appreciation than by giving someone a gift that youโ€™ve poured your heart and soul into?

Laser engraved wooden mummy peg doll. Colored in green and in white color pencil.

Of course, thereโ€™s always the possibility that your peg doll wonโ€™t turn out exactly as you envisioned. Maybe you accidentally give them a pair of pants that’s not quite normal looking or a dog whose fur ends up two shades of brown because your color pencil ran out. But hey, thatโ€™s what makes it even more special – itโ€™s a one-of-a-kind, imperfect creation thatโ€™s sure to put a smile on your loved oneโ€™s face.

So next time youโ€™re struggling to find the perfect gift, think outside the box and consider the wonderfully unique option of personalized peg dolls. Who knows, maybe youโ€™ll discover a hidden talent for miniature painting along the way.

Products Mentioned

Laser engraved wooden peg dolls that are personalized with name and number on the jersey of a soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, and football player.
Halloween peg dolls laser etched and engraved to look like cute and fun Halloween creatures: witch, bat, pumpkin, ghost, zombie, werewolf, vampire, and mummy.
Baltic birch peg dolls that are laser etched to look like astronauts. Baltic birch spaceship with platform to let peg doll astronaut see through window.
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Spring has arrived! Three peg doll animal story starters

Wooden peg doll penguin, ducks, pig, cat, dog, and racoon with the title: Spring has arrived! Three peg doll animal story starters.

Spring is a magical time of year filled with sunshine, warmth, and new beginnings. And what better way to celebrate the arrival of this wonderful season than with some fun and imaginative storytelling? In this Pegsies article, we’re excited to share three different story starters featuring peg doll animals who are having their own unique springtime adventures. From a pig who can’t wait to dive into the mud, to a penguin who loves the sun but fears for his ice cubes, to a cat and dog who befriend a friendly raccoon, these story starters are sure to delight and prompt the creative juices of children, parents, and grandparents alike. So grab your Pegsies peg dolls and let your imagination run wild as we journey into the world of storytelling with these fun and whimsical animal characters!

1. Porky and the ducks

Wooden peg doll animals that are laser engraved to look like a pig and ducks. The ducks are miniature peg dolls.

Once upon a time, in a little girl’s toy chest, there lived a peg doll pig named Porky. Porky was a cheerful and chubby little pig who loved nothing more than getting dirty in the mud. He would spend hours every day rolling around in the dirt, making a mess of himself and his surroundings.

As the winter months dragged on, Porky grew increasingly restless. He missed the feel of the soft, squishy mud beneath his trotters and longed for the warm sun on his back. He spent his days dreaming of springtime, when he could once again play in the mud to his heart’s content.

Finally, one day, the sun shone down, the snow melted away, and the first signs of spring began to appear. Porky couldn’t contain his excitement – he knew that the mud would soon be back, and he could hardly wait.

He spent the next few weeks eagerly anticipating the return of his beloved mud, his excitement growing with each passing day. Finally, one glorious afternoon, the rain came – and with it, the mud.

Porky couldn’t believe his luck. He squealed with joy and ran outside to play in the mud. He rolled and wallowed and splashed around, getting dirtier and dirtier with each passing minute.

But just as Porky was starting to feel truly content, something strange happened. A group of ducks waddled over to the mud puddle and began to join in on the fun. Before long, there were ducks everywhere, quacking and splashing and generally making a mess of things.

And then what happened

2. Percy the peg doll penguin and his melting ice cubes

Wooden peg doll laser engraved to look like a penguin

Once upon a time, in a toy chest filled with peg doll animals, there lived a penguin named Percy. Percy was a quirky little penguin who loved nothing more than soaking up the warm sun on his belly. But as the winter months drew to a close and the first signs of spring appeared, Percy found himself feeling conflicted.

On one hand, he couldn’t wait for the sunshine and warmth of spring. He was tired of being cooped up indoors all winter and longed to bask in the sun’s rays. But on the other hand, he was worried about what spring might mean for his beloved ice cubes.

You see, Percy had a bit of an obsession with ice cubes. He loved nothing more than popping a few ice cubes into his lemonade on a hot day, and he couldn’t bear the thought of running out of his favorite beverage enhancer.

As the days grew warmer and the sun shone brighter, Percy couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of dread. What if all the ice melted and there were no more ice cubes left for him? He couldn’t imagine a life without his beloved lemonade!

And then what happened…

3. Mittens and Fido meet a raccoon

Miniature wooden peg dolls laser engraved to look like a penguin, dog, and cat, looking at each other.

In a toy chest filled with peg doll animals, there lived a cat named Mittens and a dog named Fido. Mittens and Fido were the best of friends, and they loved nothing more than playing tag around their backyard on a sunny day. So when the first signs of spring appeared, they were over the moon with excitement.

They spent hours each day frolicking in the grass and chasing each other around the yard, basking in the warm sun and enjoying the fresh air. But one day, as they were playing, they noticed a strange creature lurking in the nearby tree.

It was a raccoon – a friendly little fellow with a mischievous grin and a love of mischief. Mittens and Fido were intrigued, but also a little wary. They had never seen a raccoon up close before, and they weren’t sure how to approach him.

And then what happened…

Products Mentioned

Animal peg dolls that are unfinished and laser engraved to look like a cat, dog, hippo, penguin, and pig.
Miniature peg doll animals that are made of unfinished, laser engraved baltic birch. Characters show likeness of a cat, pig, koala, hippo, raccoon, duck, monkey, bear, rabbit, kangaroo, dog, and penguin. Sample coloring with color pencil.
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Get Creative! 4 easy tips for perfecting painted peg dolls

Blank peg dolls with title: 4 tips for perfecting painted peg dolls.

Are you looking for a fun and challenging creative outlet? Do you have a knack for painting, but are looking for a new canvas to unleash your inner artist? Look no further than peg dolls! These tiny wooden figures may look unassuming, but they’re actually a blank canvas just waiting for your artistic touch. So grab a few blank or Pegsies peg dolls and let’s dive into some tips and tricks to help you make your peg dolls pop!

1. Choose the right medium

Choosing the right medium for painting peg dolls is like choosing the right outfit for a first date. You want something that looks good, feels comfortable, and won’t make you sweat like a pig in a sauna. That’s why fine tip acrylic paint markers are a great choice for peg dolls. They’re easy to use, provide vibrant colors, and won’t leave you with a sticky mess to clean up.

wooden peg dolls laser engraved to look like a pirate, football player, and king all colored with various mediums: marker, crayon, and pencil

With fine tip acrylic paint markers, you don’t have to worry about brushes, water cups, or messy palettes. You can just pick up a marker and start painting like a boss. Plus, they’re great for people who have the artistic ability of a potato. I mean, let’s be real, it’s hard enough to paint on a flat surface, let alone a three-dimensional object. But with fine tip acrylic paint markers, you can achieve the same level of detail and precision as a Renaissance painter. So go ahead and treat yourself to some fine tip acrylic paint markers. Your peg dolls will thank you, and you’ll feel like the Bob Ross of miniature art.

Wooden peg doll laser engraved to look like an astronaut that is colored with acrylic paint markers.

Pegsies Recommends

We love the ease of acrylic paint markers, specifically fine tip markers that get details just right. Below is the least expensive set of paint markers we could find on Amazon and found them to work great! After painting, we seal our work with Liquitex (Matte finish if you don’t want it to be too shiny). Mod Podge also works well, but have found it gets sticky when wet or hot.

Below are links to a few products we recommend. Please know that these are affiliate links. We appreciate you supporting Pegsies by using these links since as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

2. Prepare the peg doll

Preparing a peg doll for painting is like preparing a pizza for toppings. You wouldn’t just throw some cheese and pepperoni on a raw ball of dough, would you? Of course not! You have to knead the dough, add some sauce, and maybe even sprinkle on some garlic powder. It’s the same with peg dolls. You have to be intentional and take the time upfront before paint touches the peg doll. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a lumpy, bumpy mess that looks like it was painted by a blindfolded chimp.

box of blank wooden peg dolls being emptied onto a table

One key aspect of preparation is sanding the doll to remove any rough spots or imperfections. This will help create a smoother surface for painting and ensure that the paint adheres properly. Sanding can be done using fine-grit sandpaper or a sanding sponge, and it’s important to take your time and be gentle to avoid damaging the doll.

Another important aspect of preparation is applying a bottom coat of sealer. This can help make it easier to fix mistakes or make changes during the painting process. By applying a sealer to the doll before painting, you create a protective layer that prevents the paint from soaking into the wood. This means that if you make a mistake, you can simply wipe it off with a damp cloth or sand it down without damaging the underlying wood. Additionally, a sealer can help create a smoother surface for painting, making it easier to apply and blend colors. Overall, taking the time to prepare your peg doll for painting can lead to a more professional-looking and long-lasting finished product.

Pegsies Recommends

If you are painting a Pegsies Peg Doll, hopefully there isn’t much prep work needed! We strive to provide you with a ready-to-play or ready-to-color peg doll that is smooth with clearly etched lines. Depending on your coloring medium, you might want a smoother surface or bottom coat. For example, color pencil tends to look best on a smooth surface, while water color might have some unique character when used on a rougher surface.

For sandpaper, any brand will do, but we prefer 120 or 220 grit to smooth out surfaces. For a bottom coat primer, most top coat sealer will work.

Below are links to a few products we recommend. Please know that these are affiliate links. We appreciate you supporting Pegsies by using these links since as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

3. Make a plan

Have you ever started painting peg dolls without a plan, only to end up with a group of unrecognizable blobs that look like they were painted by a toddler? Yeah, me too. That’s why it’s important to make a plan before you begin painting. Not only will it help you avoid a disastrous outcome, but it’ll also make you feel like a professional artist.

Making a plan doesn’t have to be complicated. Just take a moment to think about what you want your peg dolls to look like. Do you want them to be superheroes, princesses, or zombies? Once you have a general idea, grab a piece of paper and sketch out your designs. Trust me, your peg dolls will thank you for it. Plus, you’ll avoid the embarrassment of having to explain to your friends and family why you painted a peg doll that looks like a melted crayon.

Little girl using crayons on a coloring page for a peg doll firefighter.

Pegsies Recommends

If you are painting a Pegsies peg doll, most of your plan will center around colors. The design is already done for you! To test your coloring medium, we include 1 inch wooden tokens so you can see how your color looks on wood before applying to your peg doll.

One inch wooden token for testing coloring tools

If you are starting from scratch … please draw out your design. It makes the process less stressful and will allow you to more enjoy the creative process, one step at a time. Pegsies has printables to help you through the design process. And if you are coloring a Pegsies peg doll, we have printable coloring sheets for many of our designs.

Twelve blank peg doll outlines to use for drawing design ideas.
Coloring page of peg doll characters that are in the Bible's Last Supper Easter story. The 12 disciples/apostles and Jesus are the shown characters: Andrew, Bartholomew, James the less, James, John, Judas, Matthew, Peter, Philip, Simon, Thaddeus, Thomas.

4. Take your time

When it comes to painting peg dolls, it’s important to remember that patience is a virtue. Sure, you might be tempted to rush through the painting process like a caffeinated squirrel, but trust me, that’s a recipe for disaster. Instead, take your time and approach the painting like a meditation session. You’ll be surprised at how calming and enjoyable it can be.

If you find yourself getting frustrated or bored, it’s okay to take a break and come back to it later. In fact, it’s probably better for your mental health if you don’t spend hours on end hunched over a tiny peg doll, muttering to yourself like a mad scientist. So go ahead and take a nap, play with your dog, or go for a walk. Your peg dolls will still be there when you come back, patiently waiting for you to give them the attention they deserve. And who knows, maybe you’ll come back with a fresh perspective and a newfound appreciation for the art of peg doll painting.

Wooden peg doll that is laser engraved to look like a mermaid. Side by side color pencil finished and one unfinished.

Pegsies Recommends

This one is up to you. As a family business we have realized time and time again that no two Pegsies creators’ workflow is exactly the same. Find what works for you and find your joy in the process.

Thanks for reading through our article! We always love hearing what tips, tricks, and recommendations other creators and artists have found and are willing to share. Remember, painting peg dolls is fun. If you aren’t having fun, take a step back, look at your process and the materials in front of you, and be honest with yourself about what is causing the stress.

If you’d like to see some videos we put together on painting peg dolls, check out our “Coloring Timelapse” playlist on YouTube.

Happy painting!

Products Mentioned

Laser etched peg dolls decorated to look like athletes that play baseball, softball, swim, soccer, golf, basketball, cheer, and football.
First Responder Peg Doll Set that includes a rescuer, doctor, police officer, fire fighter, and emergency medical technician. Sample coloring done with color pencils on baltic birch peg doll.
Full set of laser etched peg dolls resembling a Christmas Nativity scheme to include wise men, Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus with manger, Angel, Shepherd, Camel, Donkey, Cow, and three sheep.
Last Supper peg doll set of Jesus and the 12 disciples. Includes peg dolls and baltic birch table with printable table cloth. Apostles include: Andrew, Bartholomew, James the less, James, John, Judas, Matthew, Peter, Philip, Simon, Thaddeus, Thomas.
Sample coloring with color pencil of five peg dolls made from birch wood laser etched with pirate characters including a girl with a skull and crossbones shirt, others with sword, hook, hat, eye patch, telescope, parrot, and treasure map.
Digital water background of Mermaid peg dolls made of natural baltic birch with laser etched designs. Three designs include, floral, sea shells, and starfish.
Baltic birch peg dolls that are laser etched to look like astronauts. Baltic birch spaceship with platform to let peg doll astronaut see through window.
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Poetic Peg Doll Silliness – 3 limericks to make you smile

Poetic Silliness: 3 limericks to make you smile. Shows a little girl peg doll, pirate girl peg doll, and soccer boy peg doll.

Our family has always had a fondness for limericks because they are such a fun and playful form of poetry. Limericks have a distinct rhythm and rhyme scheme that makes them easy to memorize and recite, which is always a hit around the dinner table. We love how limericks often have a humorous or silly tone, which can bring a smile to anyone’s face. It’s also a great way to encourage creativity and imagination, as we are yet to find a topic that can’t be told with a limerick.

Here are 3 limericks that we hope give you a smile!

Family Peg Dolls

Wooden peg dolls laser engraved to look like various members of a family: Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, Boy, Girl, Dog, and Baby.

There once was a small wooden peg doll clan,
Living in a house that was made by hand,
Their faces were simple,
But they were nimble,
And their life was oh so grand!

Pirate Peg Dolls

Five peg dolls made from birch wood laser etched with pirate characters: Girl, Toes, Stripes, Parrot, and Hook. Includes muslin cotton pouch and five birch tokens to test coloring tools.

There once was a pirate peg doll crew,
Sailing the seas on a quest anew,
With a map and a plan,
And a telescope in hand,
They searched for treasure, shiny and true.

Soccer Player Peg Doll

wooden peg doll laser engraved to look like a boy soccer player with #1 uniform and soccer ball.

There once was a wooden peg doll,
Whose passion was kicking a ball,
While dribbling there,
He played with a flair,
Scoring goals that made the other team bawl.

Products Mentioned

Laser etched peg dolls decorated to look like athletes that play baseball, softball, swim, soccer, golf, basketball, cheer, and football.
Wooden peg dolls laser engraved to look like various members of a family: Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, Boy, Girl, Dog, and Baby.
Sample coloring with color pencil of five peg dolls made from birch wood laser etched with pirate characters including a girl with a skull and crossbones shirt, others with sword, hook, hat, eye patch, telescope, parrot, and treasure map.
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Peg Doll Knight: A Tale of Courage and Color

cover image for a story titled, "Peg Doll Knight: A Tale of Courage and Color" with a wooden laser engraved knight and dragon.

The Peg Doll Kingdom had always been a peaceful and happy place. The Peg Doll King, Queen, and Princess ruled the kingdom with kindness, and their subjects loved them. The kingdom was made entirely out of wood, and it was filled with wooden toys and figurines, including the peg dolls.

Wooden peg doll that is laser engraved to look like a king.
Wooden peg doll that is laser engraved to look like a Princess.

The Peg Doll King, Queen, and Princess were always kind and fair to everyone in their kingdom. However, one day, a mighty dragon appeared, breathing fire and causing chaos everywhere. The dragon was angry and destructive, and it was intent on destroying the kingdom.

Wooden peg doll that is laser engraved to look like a dragon.

The Peg Doll King, Queen, and Princess were in grave danger, and their subjects were too scared to fight the dragon. The Peg Doll Knight, however, was not afraid. He was a brave warrior, with a sword and shield, and he was determined to protect the royal family and defeat the dragon.

Wooden peg doll that is laser engraved to look like a Knight.

The Peg Doll Knight charged at the dragon, but his sword couldn’t cut through the dragon’s tough scales, and his shield couldn’t block the dragon’s fiery breath. The Peg Doll Knight tried his hardest to protect the royal family, but he was quickly losing the battle.

The dragon was getting closer and closer to the royal family, and the Peg Doll Knight knew he had to do something. He closed his eyes and prayed for strength, and suddenly, a miracle happened. His body was covered in a brilliant coat of paint, in silver, red, and gold, and he felt a newfound energy coursing through his veins.

Laser engraved peg doll that looks like a knight with armor, sword, and shield. The knight is painted.

With a roar of determination, the Peg Doll Knight charged at the dragon once again. This time, his sword glinted in the sunlight, and his shield gleamed like the sun. The dragon was taken aback by the transformation, and for a moment, it hesitated.

Royal peg dolls that are laser engraved to look like a dragon, knight, queen, princess, and king. The knight is painted.

The Peg Doll Knight didn’t waste any time. He lunged with his sword and the beast fell to the ground, defeated. The Peg Doll Knight had saved the kingdom and the royal family, and the people cheered and celebrated.

From that day on, the Peg Doll Knight became known as the greatest warrior in the land, and his story was told for generations to come. And whenever anyone needed courage and strength, they would remember the story of the Peg Doll Knight, who became a hero once he received a proper coat of paint.

Products Mentioned

Wooden peg dolls laser engraved to look like a dragon, knight, king, queen, and princess.