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Celebrating Pegsies: From Coast to Coast and Beyond!

Celebrating Pegsies: From Coast to Coast and Beyond!

Hello Pegsies enthusiasts! We’re excited to share a big milestone: Pegsies now has customers in all 50 US states and seven countries! From New York to Alaska, Pegsies bring fun and innovation wherever they go, uniting our community in imaginative play.

But that’s not all! Pegsies are gaining global appeal, with orders coming in from places like Australia and Canada. Their charm transcends cultural boundaries, spreading joy worldwide.

To celebrate, our Expert Imaginers created a fun stop-motion video showing Pegsies’ journey on a map. It’s a colorful representation of our global impact.

We’re grateful to our Pegsies community for their support, whether you’ve been with us from the start or just joined the fun. Your enthusiasm keeps us going.

Every Pegsies order is also a chance for our Expert Imaginers to learn about new places. It’s an educational adventure that adds to the fun.

Looking ahead, we’re excited for what’s next. With new designs and innovations in the works, the Pegsies journey continues to inspire creativity worldwide.

In a world craving connection, Pegsies bring joy and positivity wherever they go. Here’s to celebrating our achievements and embracing the adventures ahead. Cheers to Pegsies and our amazing community!

Products Mentioned

Animal peg dolls that are unfinished and laser engraved to look like a cat, dog, hippo, penguin, and pig.
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A Wonderful Start to the Christmas Season

Pegsies is now nearly 2 months old and we are awed and humbled by the support and kindness we have received from family, friends, and strangers alike!

The Pegsies workshop is bustling with activity as Pegsies are created, orders are fulfilled, and ideas are floated about our processes and our products.

Since our initial post, we have opened up shop on Amazon as well as expanding with a few new products. Going into this Christmas season, our product lineup is below. You can find all of our products on our Etsy shop and our Santas on our Amazon shop as well.

We look forward to listing our “toys” on Amazon again once the Christmas season is over. We were surprised and saddened to hear that our shop was not old enough to be allowed to sell in the “Toys & Games” category on Amazon this Christmas season. But our Etsy shop has remained open with all of our products. And we hope to be selling on Amazon next Christmas.

Beyond the selling of Pegsies, one action we have truly enjoyed has been interacting with many people through Etsy and our Social Media accounts. We are making posts on our Facebook Page as well as our Instagram Account. We have enjoyed doing some giveaways on those pages as well as community madlibs and sharing our Pegsies world.

And finally, we want to share a fun side project our kids have been working on as we make and ship Pegsies. “Where are Pegsies?” We thought it would be fun to see where Pegsies are now living and learn some geography along the way.

Thank you once again for supporting Pegsies and our family. We are thankful for all of you. We hope you are having a wonderful and safe Christmas season!

– The Pegsies Family

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Welcome to Pegsies!

Hello and welcome to Pegsies! We are very excited to have you check out our website and our Pegsies products.

Why are we here?

Today is October 1st, 2020. And we are just getting started. So where did we come from? Why are we here? A while back our family was talking about how much the kids enjoyed buying surprise toys. You know, the toys you have to unwrap mounds of plastic to find out what toy is hidden within? Right, we talked about how much waste comes from those types of toys. But we also talked about how fun it is to open a surprise! We agreed that there had to be some type of compromise … a surprise toy that is fun to open, yet isn’t shoveling plastic into landfills (and is made right here in the USA).

Our family put our collective brainpower to work, drafting and discussing a variety of ideas. But when we landed on Pegsies (specifically the idea of Pegsies Surprise), our excitement just could not be contained. We challenged ourselves to be as “green” as possible to design, build, and deliver toys that kids would love. Is it difficult to find biodegradable/recyclable shipping and packaging solutions … you betcha! Does it generally cost more for higher quality paints and materials that will last through the building process as well as the playing process … it sure does!

Well, once we discovered the Pegsies toy, we wanted to build upon it. We wanted to build a fun and engaging ecosystem that encourages genuine and wholesome playtime. One of our family’s favorite games is to sit around the dinner table and tell each other stories. Often it is one person telling a story from their day or from their imagination. Sometimes, the story is told collectively, piece by piece around the table. We felt that using the power of storytelling with Pegsies would make for a truly magical experience. That is how we discovered our Story Starters! Quality, collectible cards with the beginnings of a story that can be retold in countless variations. Used by a child during playtime or with an adult looking for a way to fit in with their child’s playtime.

So now that we are here … what we have accomplished as a family … I am so proud! We have labored countless hours to bring Pegsies to life and we are all thrilled to finally share them with you and the world.

So that’s where we’ve been….

Where are we now?

Where we have landed with our initial release of Pegsies is with three very unique products.

1.) First Responders Surprise

First Responders Surprise is the genesis of Pegsies. This is the idea that started it all. A quality, handmade toy that is made of sustainable materials, is super fun to open (tear pouch, sensory kraft crinkle cut paper) as a surprise, looks great to kids and adults alike, and is supported with a Story Starter card. Now here is the crazy thing about First Responders. There are 125 unique characters. That’s right … 125 … all hand painted with care … from our family to yours. When a person purchases a First Responders Surprise character, there is no choice on profession, skin color, hair color, or even if its the rare Robot. Just like the world around us is diverse in so many ways, so are the Pegsies First Responders. With so many unique characters and Story Starter cards, you can be sure each pouch you open will be a fun, surprising experience.

2.) Emotions Set

We tossed out the idea of the Emotions Set to the kids and they were head over heals excited to give it a try. Once we had a set complete, it was clear that these were a winner with the kids. In a set of six emotions with highly emotional faces, the kids loved not just playing out why one was sad, but they loved integrating the toys so that sad and silly went on an adventure together. They also enjoyed talking about their day and expressing where each emotion was felt. With emotional health always being a concern, we appreciated the Pegsies as a tool to help relate and dig deeper into how certain situations were received by the kids.

To bring the set together, we decided to build a wooden “bench” of sorts. This bench works as a platform on which to play or as a place for Pegsies to rest. On each side of the bench, words are printed. On one side, each emotion is listed. On the other side, each color is listed. Can we get marks on fun and educational? Well that’s where we are aiming. Similar to the First Responders Surprise, the Emotions Set is available in three skin colors (Pale, Tan, Dark). There is no surprise here, though. Feel free to choose which set is most desired for your home.

3.) Christmas Collection

And lastly, one that I personally get giddy about … our Christmas Collection. Our family, adults and kids alike, have grown up collecting ornaments each year, and have a special, sentimental place in our hearts for an annual ornament. We decided that Pegsies was the perfect outlet to get our creative juices flowing again and begin a new annual tradition … designing and building Pegsies ornaments for our tree and to share. This year, 2020, has been a year for the history books, as we all know. We decided our inaugural ornament (and Story Starter) should represent 2020 in one of the ways that has impacted us (and many of you I’m sure) every day. Wearing masks! We are excited to hang our “Masked Santa” ornament on our Christmas tree this year and tell the story of how not even a global pandemic can stop the magic of Santa Claus. And like our other diverse sets mentioned above, Santa is available in three skin colors (Pale, Tan, Dark).

In Conclusion…

Thanks again for checking out Pegsies! We are a family owned and operated business and we’d love to hear from you. If you are feeling creative and want to submit your own Pegsies Fan Creation, we have an outlet for you to do just that. Or if you want to just reach out to us to chat, please do! You can email us at [email protected] or find us on Facebook. We are more than happy to put down our paintbrushes and engage with you.

Wishing you all the best!
The Pegsies Family